About us and the boat

About us and the boat:

We were lucky enough to retire early at the start of 2013 so we could head off and "live the dream" on board our Nordhavn 47 Trawler Yacht. The idea is to see some of the planet, at a slow 6 - 7 knots pace. There are no fixed goals or timings, we just had a plan to visit Scotland and then probably the Baltic before heading south.

The idea is to visit the nicer areas in these latitudes before heading south for warmer weather. If we like somewhere, we will stay for a while. If not, we will just move on. So, for the people who love forward planning and targets, this might seem a little relaxed!

If anyone else is contemplating a trawler yacht life, maybe our experiences will be enough to make you think again, or maybe do it sooner then you intended!

The boat is called Rockland and she is built for long distance cruising and a comfortable life on board too. If you want to see more about trawler yachts and the Nordhavn 47 in particular, there is a link to the manufacturers website in our "useful stuff" section. For the technically minded, there is a little info and pictures of the boat and equipment in the same section


Richard and June

Sunday 27 October 2019

Going BIG - Nordhavn 55 time

Some of you might recall how in Guernsey a larger Nordhavn owner referred to our 47 as "the small Nordhavn over there". This initiated the SNOC. The Small Nordhavn Owners Club, with a small but most elite membership. Colin (the ex BA captain, ex Lightning fighter pilot with a hint of cross dressing in his past) and Martin (Cathay Pacific training captain and proper chap) both own N47s and are founder members.

With all this in mind, the captain and crew went big. We were invited by Alex and Gisele (the Dutch / Belgian couple who you've met in here before) for a trip out on their newly purchased Nordhavn 55. They are big boats. Vast in comparison to our "small Nordhavn" indeed.

This was their first trip out since Alex with two experienced Nordhavn skippers delivered the boat from Scotland to the Hamble river.  We were honoured as the owners of the smallest Nordhavn ever to be invited onto their huge craft.

The weather was so so kind. Sunny, gentle winds and the right tide times for a little trip to Lymington and back:

Alex deftly extricated the HUGE Nordhavn from her berth and headed down the Solent. He looked quite the part too:

and remarkably relaxed. We were most impressed with how quiet and smooth the boat was - quieter than the very lovely N63 "Due North" indeed.  Coffee and carrot cake were, of course, provided by Gisele and the crew, seen here in the HUGE saloon:

Yes, the word huge seems to be popping up regularly.

Arrival in Berthon was also stress free, Alex backed into a finger berth as though he had been doing it all his life on HUGE Nordhavns. After an excellent Sunday roast in a local pub we headed back with the sun gently setting astern of us. Late season boat trips just don't get any better really (especially as we did it without burning any of our diesel!) So you can appreciate how the 55 looks:

#Nordhavnenvy - until it comes to the cleaning and polishing that is.

1 comment:

  1. Deborah keeps telling me that the very best things are smalll....they are sparkly and typically in small boxes.....so it’s not HUGE you want but small......


Thanks for your ideas / cheek / corrections / whatever! They should hit the blog shortly after the system checks them to make sure they will not put us or you in jail.....